Restaurant at Chowpatty Beach Receives Customized Audio Upgrade

Home Theatre and Audio
Mumbai is known for its many landmarks and historical sites. The New Yorker Restaurant at Chowpatti Beach adds to the cities illustrious history. When the owners decided to renovate their restaurant, they also planned an Audio System upgrade. When it comes to any hospitality business, it’s no secret that a great sounding audio system is a must. In order to enhance New Yorker’s liveliness, Avenue Sound was hired to provide an audio experience with clarity and detailing.
Products Used
We can happily conclude that the Audio System upgrade was a success. With an enveloping high fidelity background audio and a powerful amplifier which allows the New Yorker to raise the volume to pick up the pace at anytime, the Taga Harmony and Morel experience proved to be a perfect fit for the space.